My name is Socrates. I am a self-taught potter who embarked on my ceramics journey in 2018 in London. The moment I took a seat at the potter's wheel, I immediately sensed that this craft would become a focal point in my life.

Fast forward to 2023, and established in Cyprus, my brand, tokati, is my platform of exploration of the potter's wheel.

Continuously cultivating my niche in the vast world of ceramics, whether in functional tableware or decorative pieces, I am driven purely by the pleasure of forming clay into objects on the potter's wheel.

  • it's something

    Translating to "the something" from Greek, it encapsulates my deep bond with my craft. Pottery has been a source of genuine self-value; enriching not only my artistic expression but also bringing profound fulfillment and purpose to my life. In the realm of ceramics, I've discovered a medium to shape both clay and my identity, contributing value to my personal journey as a human on this earth

    - so that's something.

  • it's me

    It’s what my nephew called me before he properly learnt to talk. Socrates is a really hard name for a toddler to articulate, so he opted for the easier alternative, tokati.